Let us look after that time-consuming administration, so you can enjoy more time outdoors with your youth members!
Who are GroupLink HQ….
We are a team of business professionals who are also scouters for many years, while volunteering we could see how scout groups struggled to meet the increasing administration requirements it took to run their groups.
We looked around the market and tried to find a product that already existed and met our needs but couldn’t find one – it was going to incur a cost to our members with not enough added functionality to warrant the expense.
We decided to develop a solution to help scout groups everywhere so that scouters could get back to scouting, and the administration could be done online and in the most time efficient safe manner.
The GroupLink HQ portal has been a huge success in our scout group ensuring that all information is collected, good reporting in place, and cash collected in a seamless way, meeting both current legal requirements and also future requirements such as the charity regulations.
Contact us to discuss the registration of your scout group, and we will be happy to answer all of your questions

Membership Management

Group Administration Management

Activities Management


Membership Management
Go Green, save time and move your annual registration and payment of your subscription fees online, we can provide you with the facility to complete your full end to end registration process online. No more collecting cash and making trips to the bank! Money will be transferred directly to your bank account.
Activities Management
Save time by collecting your event or camp fees online – a unique product can be created for your event providing your youth members with all the information they need about the event and an option for them to complete their payment online with the money lodged straight to your bank account.
Group Administration Management
Let GroupLink HQ look after all your administration, we can manage your waiting list, facilities management, group calendar, your accident and incident reporting – keeping them in a secure online portal for your group to access at any time.
GroupLink HQ can help your group fundraise in any capacity, sell your tickets, accept donations, or set up a group lotto.
GroupLink HQ will provide your group with a full suite of reports for all your online activity providing your group with accurate information and full control to make informed decisions.